Keywords: unmanned surface vessel, automatic control system, dynamic characteristics, sensor


The development of modern automatic control systems for unmanned vessels is an important direction for ensuring the efficiency and autonomy of their operation. These systems aim to reduce human intervention while enhancing operational capabilities. One of the important elements of such systems is a dynamic characteristics measurement system, which can provide accurate monitoring and analysis of the vessel’s movement. This system enables real-time feedback on the vessel’s performance and trajectory. The article discusses the task of increasing the efficiency of unmanned vessel control by creating a measurement system for dynamic characteristics. The proposed system uses a GPS receiver to enhance positional accuracy and multi-axis motion sensors, including accelerometers, magnetometers, and gyroscopes, to collect precise data on the vessel’s movement. Specialized algorithms process the sensor data to determine dynamic parameters such as speed, acceleration, and orientation. These parameters are essential for maintaining control over the vessel's movement and improving overall efficiency. The system’s ability to operate in sea conditions is emphasized, as it can provide a high data update frequency for real-time trajectory correction. This ensures the vessel remains on course even in challenging environments. The implementation of the system into the MATLAB Simulink environment allows for real-time visualization and data analysis. The system’s data filtering and correction processes are detailed, showing how parameters are fine-tuned for optimal performance. Particular attention is paid to algorithms for calculating angular positions, accelerations, and speeds, which are crucial for the precise control of the vessel in autonomous mode. These algorithms enable the vessel to adapt to dynamic environmental changes and ensure stability during operation. The results of the study form the basis for further improvement of automatic control systems for unmanned vessels, which opens up the possibility of their widespread use in various tasks, in particular for monitoring, patrolling and maintenance of marine facilities.


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