Keywords: ECDIS, MAIB, ENC, SENC, Navi Sailor


Quantitative growth of the world marine fleet accompanied by the increase in the size of ships require more and more attention to mastering modern automated systems of ship control and tracking of the navigational situation by the navigation bridge team. Navigational information systems are increasingly complex functionally, interface-wise, which has already led to the necessity of obtaining certificates for the use of ships' Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). And therefore, the question of the professionalism of the bridge personnel comes to the fore when there is the need to solve problems of ship management. The article provides instances of reports from the Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), which show how critical it is for navigators to have a thorough understanding of their own actions in the use of ECDIS, as well as the correct interpretation of the data/results received. The main problem areas in the use of ECDIS are highlighted and it is shown that some topics are studied very superficially by professional educational institutions. Mastering the practical skills of using ECDIS on the simulator and, at the same time, the lack of visual analysis of the consequences of incorrect data interpretations, incorrect settings, insufficient elaboration of the preliminary layout - do not give future navigators confidence in their own actions. The research conducted in the article showed the effectiveness of the proposed consideration of not only the theoretical part of MAIB reports, but also the practical direct participation of cadets in the recovery of the described incidents in order to improve skills and knowledge to prevent such incidents. In order to achieve this, a step-by-step action plan was developed with an estimated amount of time spent by both the instructor-teacher to simulate the situation and the students of the educational institution to conduct experiments. Differentiated number of cadets was selected for conducting research based on the integral criterion of success in learning the topics required for conducting the experiment. Since the majority of all cadets will someday hold the position of second assistant, who in most cases is responsible for the route creating, then the total difference in the achieved quality by almost 1/3 will significantly affect the professionalism of future specialists.


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