Keywords: decision support system, cargo plan of the container ship, ship cargo operations, multi-criteria optimization, multiport transportation, safety of shipping


The article examines the issue of creating a decision support system (DSS) for the formation of cargo plans of container ships. The priority directions of scientific research in the field of optimization of processes of control cargo operations of container ships have been determined. It is shown that the key problem in the optimization of sea container transportation is the problem of forming optimal cargo plans. The peculiarities of the process of building a cargo placement plan on a container ship and the principles of its adjustment for the case of multiport container transportation are considered. Approaches to optimizing the process of forming a cargo plan of a container ship have been proposed. It was determined that the problem of forming the optimal cargo plan of the ship consists in solving a set of complex interrelated problems of multi-criteria optimization. With the application of a systematic approach to the analysis of the process of forming the ship's cargo plan, the key factors influencing it were determined. Based on the identified features of information processing processes in the formation of the cargo plan of a container ship, as well as the specifics of its creation and correction in the conditions of multiport transportation, the structure of the DSS was developed to manage such a process and a list of its main functions was defined. The use of flexible strategies for choosing optimization procedures that take into account the influence of the shipowner's priorities on the process of forming the ship's cargo plan is proposed. Prospective directions of further scientific research in the specified field are determined.


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