Keywords: decision support systems, navigation, artificial intelligence, creation methodology, life cycle, human factor, safety shipping


The article is devoted to issues of creation, application and development of decision support systems (DSS) in the field of shipping. The main areas of use of  DSS and artificial intelligence systems in the maritime industry are considered. The classification of existing DSS in the field is carried out, the peculiarities of the construction of such systems are shown. The classes of practical problems that can be successfully solved with the use of DSS are defined. The methodological foundations of the creation and implementation of DSS in navigation are considered. It is shown that the effective application of the DSS is possible only under the conditions of the harmonized development of all components that ensure the processes of creation, introduction, development and improvement of such systems - the life cycle of the DSS. The structure of the DSS life cycle was developed and approaches to the practical implementation of each of its stages were proposed. The specific features of decision-making processes in navigation and the features of information perception and decision-making by the shipmaster are determined. The structure of the cycle of information interaction of the decision-maker and the DSS was analyzed, and its separate phases were determined. The perspective of using the model of a decision-maker in the DSS is shown in order to increase the efficiency of information exchange processes. A number of problematic issues that arise during the practical implementation of the DSS in navigation are identified and the ways of their possible solution are determined. Approaches to improving the processes of creation and application of DSS in practice have been proposed. The priority directions for the use of DSS and artificial intelligence systems in ship navigation and the prospects for their further development have been determined.


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