Keywords: multi-criteria analysis, composition, optimisation, thermodynamic processes, ship repair, transport infrastructure


The subject of research is a system of multi-criteria analysis in the study of thermodynamic processes in ship repair and transport infrastructure in real time. The topic of research is the development of methodology for assessing the composition of the concrete mixture during hardening process. The aim of the work is modeling of physical and technological parameters of concrete mixtures using multi-criteria optimization. The relevance of the research lies in the fact that at the manufacturing stage, depending on the phases of concrete hardening, the parameters of the heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the concrete mixture change. The uniformity of distribution of temperature parameters in the concrete volume also changes. The resulting stresses create microdefects that reduce the strength properties of the concrete mixture. Depending on their composition, strength properties depend on the choice of optimal thermodynamic processes for obtaining concrete mixtures: bending and compressive strength limits, impact strength and density of the material. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that a multi-criteria analysis algorithm has been developed for the study of thermodynamic processes in ship repair. The optimal composition of structural elements of the mixtures for the given technology of their production was determined. The results of the research are the computational basis of the calculations became the digitization of the technology of research and analysis of physical and mechanical properties of concrete mixtures. The field of application is the study of thermodynamic processes used in ship repair and transport infrastructure. The practical significance of the work is that the conducted experiments and calculations showed that the use of research results in combination with optimization criteria is the basis for increasing the reliability of evaluating the parameters of thermodynamic processes and optimizing the strength properties of the concrete mixture, determining the composition and structure of materials for changes in their production technologies. The advantage of the methodology is its scalability and adaptability to workloads.


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