Keywords: pipe, deformation, crack, plastic zone, strength


Full-scale tests were carried out at a specially equipped test site for pipe sections intended for the construction of main gas pipelines, which made it possible to obtain kinematic and dynamic parameters of the destruction of a model gas pipeline under operating load and in conditions as close as possible to operational ones. Analysis of the results of field (full-scale) tests indicates that from the moment of initiation of destruction in the central pipe, the speed of the main crack (on both sides of the initiator) increases and reaches a maximum at a distance of approximately 2-3 diameters from the notch. The change in speed along the length of the central pipe can be symmetrical relative to the cut made in the central pipe or asymmetrical. This is due to the experimental technique and the crack initiation conditions, in particular, the displacement of the initiating notch relative to the middle of the pipe and the different properties of the pipe metal in the local failure zone. The general pattern remains the presence of a maximum velocity at the stage of crack acceleration. It should be noted that in order to conduct the experiment, in order to achieve high fracture rates, the crack tips were preserved upon entering the studied areas. This condition is ensured by suitable selection of the viscosity of the metal of the central pipe.

First, using full-scale (polygon) tests, the influence of the structural phase composition of pipe steels on the resistance of pipes to corrosion-mechanical cracking was investigated. At the same time, it is shown that the ferrite-pearlite structure has the greatest resistance to corrosion cracking, while the carbide phases cause embrittlement of the metal with a sharp increase in the rate of crack propagation along the pipeline.


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