Keywords: marine specialist, bachelor, educational level, master, model course, a junior officer, practical training


In this article it was proposed a series of steps needed to transition to a two-tier system of marine education, as well as a block diagram of a system for the Kherson State Maritime Academy. The main purpose of this study was to review and develop procedures KSMA transition to a two-tier system of maritime education, taking advantage of this situation in connection with the reform of higher education in Ukraine, as well as outlining the transition of Ukraine to the EU. In the article a large attention is given to development of curriculum of training marine specialists at all levels: junior bachelor’s, degree and master’s degree. The place of practical training in an integrated system of training marine specialists is defined. The features of the second level of training of seafarers is allocated. General recommendations are given on the organization of distance learning based on a two-tier system of maritime education. It is shown that the transition to a two-tier system KSMA maritime education will enhance authority of the Academy during the passage of various kinds of audits, as well as its competitiveness in the global market for maritime education.


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