Ключові слова:
морський транспорт, автоматичне керування, надлишкове керування, оптимальне керування, засоби активного керування, схема керування
Метою статті є визначення критерію надлишковості по управлінню та розрахунок його значення для різних типів суден і режимів плавання. Проведено короткий огляд літератури, з якого зроблено висновок, що надлишковість по управлінню в основному використовується тільки як резервування для збільшення надійності, але не як засіб оптимізації управління. Показана залежність маневрових можливостей судна від значення поданого критерію та його важливість у класифікації. Запропоновано формулу розрахунку надлишковості по управлінню, а також розраховані значення надлишковості по управлінню для суден з різними схемами управління і режимами плавання.
1. Classification of ships according to common basic characteristics. MIL.PRESS FLOTRetrived from
2. Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Part XV. Automation: Maritime Register of Shipping. St. Petersburg, 2017. 48 p.
3. Zinchenko S. M., Nosov P. S. Mamenko P. P., Grosheva O. O., Meteichuk V. M. Automatic control of vessel’s movement under external conditions. Naukovyj visnyk HDMA. 2019. № 2 (21). P.10–15. DOI: 10.33815/2313-4763.2019.2.21.010-015
4. Zinchenko S. N, Grosheva O.O., Matejchuk V. M., Mamenko P. P., Pivovarov L. A. Systema vodinnja po marshrutu. Patent na vynahid №123235 vid 03.03.2021.
5. Apostol - Mates, R., Barbu, A. Human error – the main factor in marine accidents. Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin. 2016. № 19 (2). DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-068.
6. The Relation between Human Error and Marine Industry. Marine iu sight. Retrived from
7. Sotiralis P., Ventikos, N. P., Hamann, R., Golyshev, P., Teixeira, A. P. Incorporation of human factors into ship collision risk models focusing on human centered design aspects. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2016. Vol. 156. P. 210–227. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2016.08.007
8. Luo M., Shin, S.: Half-century research developments in maritime accidents: Future directions. Accident Analysis & Prevention 123. 2019 P. 448–460. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2016.04.010
9. Nosov P. S., Zinchenko S. M., Ben A. P., Nahrybelnyi Ya. А., Dudchenko O. M. Models of decision making by a navigator under implicit agreements with COLREG rules. Naukovyj visnyk HDMA. 2019. № 1 (20). DOI: 10.33815/2313-4763.2019.1.20.031-039
10. Nosov P., Palamarchuk I., Zinchenko S., Popovych I., Nahrybelnyi Y., Nosova H. Development of means for experimental identification of navigator attention in ergatic systems of maritime transport. Bulletin of University of Karaganda. Technical Physics. 2020. № 1(97). P. 58–69. DOI: 10.31489/2020Ph1/58-69
11. Nosov P. S., Cherniavskyi V. V., Zinchenko S. M., Popovych I. S., Nahrybelnyi Ya. А., Nosova H.V. Identification of marine emergency response of electronic navigation
operator . Radio Electronics, Computer Science. Control, 2021. № 1. P. 208–223. DOI:10.15588/1607-3274-2021-1-20
12. Popovych I., Blynova O., Nosov P., Zinchenko S., Kononenko O. Psychological factors of competitiveness of the women»s youth handball team. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2021. Vol. 21 (1). Р. 227–235. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2021.01030
13. Popovych I. S., Cherniavskyi V. V., Dudchenko S. V., Zinchenko S. M., Nosov P. S., Yevdokimova O. O., Burak O. O., Mateichuk V. M. Experimental Research of Effective «The
Ship’s Captain and the Pilot» Interaction Formation by Means of Training Technologies. Revista Espascios. 2020. № 41 (11). P. 30.
14. Vagushhenko L. L. Systemy avtomatychnogo keruvannja ruhom sudna. Odesa : Feniks, 2007. 328 s.
15. Upravlenye sudnom. Uchebnik dlja vuzov / S.Y. Demyn, E.Y. Zhukov, N.A.Kubachev i dr.; Pod red. V.Y.Snopkova. Moscov: Transport, 1991. 359 p.
16. Tovstokoryj O. M. Bazovi pryncypy manevruvannja sudnom: navchal»nyj posibnyk. Herson: HDMA, 2018. 336 p.
17. Podder T. K., Sarkar N. Fault – tolerant control of an autonomous underwater vehicle under truster redundancy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2001. № 34 (1). P. 39–52.
18. Zemlyakov A. S. Control the angular position of a spacecraft with an excess gyrodin structure. Bulletin of Kazan State Technical University. Kazan, 2001. № 4. P. 56–62.
19. Lebedev D.V. Momentum unloading excessive reaction-wheel system of a spacecraft. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2008. Vol. 47, № 4. P. 613–620.
20. Gao W., Tang Q., Yao J., Yang Y. Automatic motion planning for complex welding problems by considering angular redundancy. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. April, 2020. Vol. 62. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2019.101862
21. Zinchenko S., Mateichuk V., Nosov P., Popovych I., Solovey O., Mamenko P., Grosheva O. Use of Simulator Equipment for the Development and Testing of Vessel Control
Systems. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering. 2020. Vol.16. P. 58–64. DOI: 10.2478/ecce-2020-0009
22. Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (versija 5.35). Navigacijnyj mistook. Transas MIP Ltd, zhovten, 2014.
23. Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (versija 5.35). Kerivnyctvo instruktora. Transas MIP Ltd, zhovten, 2014.
2. Rules for the Classification and Construction of Sea-Going Ships. Part XV. Automation: Maritime Register of Shipping. St. Petersburg, 2017. 48 p.
3. Zinchenko S. M., Nosov P. S. Mamenko P. P., Grosheva O. O., Meteichuk V. M. Automatic control of vessel’s movement under external conditions. Naukovyj visnyk HDMA. 2019. № 2 (21). P.10–15. DOI: 10.33815/2313-4763.2019.2.21.010-015
4. Zinchenko S. N, Grosheva O.O., Matejchuk V. M., Mamenko P. P., Pivovarov L. A. Systema vodinnja po marshrutu. Patent na vynahid №123235 vid 03.03.2021.
5. Apostol - Mates, R., Barbu, A. Human error – the main factor in marine accidents. Naval Academy Scientific Bulletin. 2016. № 19 (2). DOI: 10.21279/1454-864X-16-I2-068.
6. The Relation between Human Error and Marine Industry. Marine iu sight. Retrived from
7. Sotiralis P., Ventikos, N. P., Hamann, R., Golyshev, P., Teixeira, A. P. Incorporation of human factors into ship collision risk models focusing on human centered design aspects. Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 2016. Vol. 156. P. 210–227. DOI: 10.1016/j.ress.2016.08.007
8. Luo M., Shin, S.: Half-century research developments in maritime accidents: Future directions. Accident Analysis & Prevention 123. 2019 P. 448–460. DOI: 10.1016/j.aap.2016.04.010
9. Nosov P. S., Zinchenko S. M., Ben A. P., Nahrybelnyi Ya. А., Dudchenko O. M. Models of decision making by a navigator under implicit agreements with COLREG rules. Naukovyj visnyk HDMA. 2019. № 1 (20). DOI: 10.33815/2313-4763.2019.1.20.031-039
10. Nosov P., Palamarchuk I., Zinchenko S., Popovych I., Nahrybelnyi Y., Nosova H. Development of means for experimental identification of navigator attention in ergatic systems of maritime transport. Bulletin of University of Karaganda. Technical Physics. 2020. № 1(97). P. 58–69. DOI: 10.31489/2020Ph1/58-69
11. Nosov P. S., Cherniavskyi V. V., Zinchenko S. M., Popovych I. S., Nahrybelnyi Ya. А., Nosova H.V. Identification of marine emergency response of electronic navigation
operator . Radio Electronics, Computer Science. Control, 2021. № 1. P. 208–223. DOI:10.15588/1607-3274-2021-1-20
12. Popovych I., Blynova O., Nosov P., Zinchenko S., Kononenko O. Psychological factors of competitiveness of the women»s youth handball team. Journal of Physical Education and Sport (JPES). 2021. Vol. 21 (1). Р. 227–235. DOI: 10.7752/jpes.2021.01030
13. Popovych I. S., Cherniavskyi V. V., Dudchenko S. V., Zinchenko S. M., Nosov P. S., Yevdokimova O. O., Burak O. O., Mateichuk V. M. Experimental Research of Effective «The
Ship’s Captain and the Pilot» Interaction Formation by Means of Training Technologies. Revista Espascios. 2020. № 41 (11). P. 30.
14. Vagushhenko L. L. Systemy avtomatychnogo keruvannja ruhom sudna. Odesa : Feniks, 2007. 328 s.
15. Upravlenye sudnom. Uchebnik dlja vuzov / S.Y. Demyn, E.Y. Zhukov, N.A.Kubachev i dr.; Pod red. V.Y.Snopkova. Moscov: Transport, 1991. 359 p.
16. Tovstokoryj O. M. Bazovi pryncypy manevruvannja sudnom: navchal»nyj posibnyk. Herson: HDMA, 2018. 336 p.
17. Podder T. K., Sarkar N. Fault – tolerant control of an autonomous underwater vehicle under truster redundancy. Robotics and Autonomous Systems. 2001. № 34 (1). P. 39–52.
18. Zemlyakov A. S. Control the angular position of a spacecraft with an excess gyrodin structure. Bulletin of Kazan State Technical University. Kazan, 2001. № 4. P. 56–62.
19. Lebedev D.V. Momentum unloading excessive reaction-wheel system of a spacecraft. Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International. 2008. Vol. 47, № 4. P. 613–620.
20. Gao W., Tang Q., Yao J., Yang Y. Automatic motion planning for complex welding problems by considering angular redundancy. Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing. April, 2020. Vol. 62. DOI: 10.1016/j.rcim.2019.101862
21. Zinchenko S., Mateichuk V., Nosov P., Popovych I., Solovey O., Mamenko P., Grosheva O. Use of Simulator Equipment for the Development and Testing of Vessel Control
Systems. Electrical, Control and Communication Engineering. 2020. Vol.16. P. 58–64. DOI: 10.2478/ecce-2020-0009
22. Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (versija 5.35). Navigacijnyj mistook. Transas MIP Ltd, zhovten, 2014.
23. Navi-Trainer Professional 5000 (versija 5.35). Kerivnyctvo instruktora. Transas MIP Ltd, zhovten, 2014.